I don't know. I thought I would share my disturbing find. This is how I lose sleep. Just when I think I've reach the end of the intertubes (I really do feel that way sometimes when I REALLY don't want to do anything (at work) ), I find crap like this that pulls me back to the dark side.
BTW, I'm like a polygon. I have many sides. (I had to throw something random in there.)
You can only read ahead if you looked at the picture.
Another random note, I've been spelling highlight "hilight" (not hi-light either) to see how long it takes certain someone to correct me. So yes, certain someone, I'll be disappointed if you STILL haven't noticed. I'm just keeping you on your toes. Or am I just that retarded? To another certain someone, I guess you'll never know because I have many sides. To the rest of you who are reading this: yes, I only have TWO friends.
What in your Amazon browsing history made the AI recommend pedophile lenses?
If it was truly a pedophile lens it would have been disguised as a Bratz Doll! This is obviously for people who are into mature women and grandmas. Only those people wouldn't realize that there's a huge hole in the side of the lens of some dude sitting right next to you!
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