Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Toys R Us is fun!

Stoopid world.

Man, this world we live in kindda sucks.

For every good/cool news, there's a crappy one.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I must get out

Man, I really need to get out of here. I may end up:

- Jobless
- Become a victim of a violent crime
- Fat


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chuck Norris & Mike Huckabee

Oh noes. Chuck Norris is a Republican. Endorsing Mike Huckabee...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Education Pays Off

Thanks mom & dad! For sending me to school. Paying for my education all the way through my master's degree. It finally paid off today.

So a little known secret. I have a master's degree in electrical engineering. I concentrated mostly in digital signal processing and imaging science but forget about that for now.

I'm also somewhat of a klutz given a sharp object in my hands. Such as scissors...

Today I decided to finally connect the rear 2 speakers. I've been too lazy to do so for the past 3 months. When I moved, I wrapped the wires to the speaker stand with those saran wrap things. While I was cutting that off, I accidentally cut through the speaker wire... Argh. Annoying.

So I'm looking a this wire. Thankfully, it was cut diagonally so I could keep the polarity straight. I have a wire cutter because I bead. I went back to 199X in my brain and remembered how to strip wires and reconnect. I didn't have anything fancy so I just twisted them together and held them together with packing tape.

Since I don't have a really good sound system, and my ears aren't that sensitive, I'm perfectly happy with my ghetto fix. All I know is there's sound coming out of that speaker!!! There's something satisfying about watching Forensic Files with surround sound.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Red Fox

Here's proof that I really did see a red fox a few weeks ago! It was pretty far away so picture quality is pretty crappy but you can still see. :)

Creepy Dream

This is a new one.

I had a vivid dream last night. I got my heart ripped out with bare hands while it was still beating. Blood everywhere!

I suppose that's what happens when you fall asleep to Court TV after watching 2 hours of medical drama.

I woke up because a delayed text message came in at 4:10 AM.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I wtach too much TV

I guess it's not just CourtTV that I watch too much of. I think I've been watching too much TV in general.

I had 2 dreams between 7:00 and 7:15 AM this morning while I was snoozing. Both were scenes from TV shows. One was Grey's Anatomy and the other ER (yeah, both are on tonight...)

What was messed up is that I think they were acting out issues that I'm having right now. It appeared like I was just watching TV. But both issues had nothing to do with the currently storyline of either shows. Meredith was bitching about dude issues (but nothing like what's happening in the show....) And Abby was bitching about friendship issues (again, not related to what's going on in the show.)

I thought it was funny. And I slept well last night so I'm happy about that!