Friday, March 28, 2008


I am THE targeted audience for late-night infomericals. The one they have on "Local 4" (NBC in Detroit area) between Conan O'Brien and Carson Daly. If I'm up at that time, that means I was probably doing something I had to stay up late for. I'm tired. I'm staring at the TV screen...

And this shit comes on.

When I'm tired, I can't think straight. I'm sitting there with my mouth gaped open like an idiot going "whoa, look at that! I can do so much with this thing!" Good thing I had my computer turned off. Who knows. Otherwise I may have ordered it... I know I don't need it and I also know that I won't use it more than once or twice!

They're smart. They get you. They get you at your weakest.

See, but this guy is on while I'm wide awake so he gets no points. Annoying dude.

These are gross: product 1, product 2.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When I am caught off guard...

- I admit to wanting children one of these days
- I am capable of killing a 1/4" silverfish with my bare fist

Feeling pretty uneasy right about now...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cute dog shitty owner

So this dog is really cute and smart. But what the hell? Does the owner not have time to play with his/her own dog???

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Radio show on the nets

So I have no idea why I decided to sensor everything but I did. This is what happens when I try to multi-task. Anyway. You all should listen to this show because look at what kind of music they play.

You know what's funny?

Within your Made in China electronics, finding Made in Vietnam parts.

Sunday, March 9, 2008